If you understand what dialectics are, then you understand why they have arranged a political battle between Good Black Woman™ vs Evil Old White Man™ with the pieces left on the board.

If Evil Old White Man™ won't actually die from assassination, then he at least needs to die symbolically. And be humiliated as much as possible in the process by "losing" again in November.

It's the same as what they've done to Star Wars & Indiana Jones but IRL.

@UncleIroh I'm learning the articulation, but I'm mostly instinctual about these things despite never being exposed to anything in school that I eventually learned in the culture war online, & the more I learn, the more I want to transmit to the well intentioned ignoramuses I know(or don't)that I can see are being manipulated.


Good for you. As long as you understand that most people don't want to learn. They will fight you tooth and nail.

It's a tough redpill, especially as there are people I love who are just like that. Oh well.

@UncleIroh My mom, she black pilled as fuck, hates when I talk to her about this, ask me why it even matters that she knows, & I tell her cuz people still genuinely believe old people have some wisdom, & I've heard her NPC opinions, she isn't stupid, but definitely intellectually lazy, & scared of the truth that everything she knows is a lie.


Don't bother trying to talk to females about it, that's completely pointless. Mother, daughter, sister, wife, gf, doesn't matter.

Focus on the dudes, they're the only ones who count when it counts, the women will STFU and follow like scared sheep when it pops off.

@UncleIroh I just want the amount of dumb shit she says lowered, she's the only family I got.


Doesn't matter, the only thing she needs to know is to follow you when it counts and STFU in the meantime.

Also, make guy friends if you can.

@UncleIroh Miami is overrun with illegals, NPC tourists at street level, I'm too poor to hang with the based people who live downtown or on the private islands, & to top it off I fuckin hate the weather. Currently working my ass off to transfer out of state, crossing my fingers nothing else crazy happens that will prevent me from leaving.


Keep getting after it brother, it'll happen.

@UncleIroh Yep, I'm heading North West where the weather is better, not so much politics, but I'll add my weight to the scales as there's still hope other places will become more like Florida.
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