If it wasn't clear to you before now, the last 2 weeks of MSM/Reddit/TikTok/Meta should have made it crystal clear:

Western politics revolves around appointing people that won't be hated by women.

I fucking hate that this is true, but it is.

Women's right is only second to the protection of genocide by jews. As long as Israel is obeyed, the west loves to choke on the feminism gay transdick.

@Zeb @UncleIroh how dare 50% of the population assert their rights lmaoo


@teratology @Zeb

Rights don't exist, they're just a fictional promise backed by state violence, i.e. men.

And it's more like 51.4/48.6 in favor of women when it comes to voting. I'd like to see that changed to 0/100.

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