Scaling: if a lot of people suddenly have a need or want to use Monero, can it handle it? There is the dynamic block size, but no layer 2 to move transactions away from the chain. How many transactions per day can be handled before fees get to BTC levels? And how much would that grow the chain per day? It is my understanding that Full Chain Membership Proofs will increase the transaction size, so prefrebly add that to the equation.

Fees are designed to decrease as there is more transactions. Recent stress tests have shown the network can do about 500k transaction per day before some stability issues start. Fixes and improvements are in the works. We are most likely still 5 years away from any significant TX volume on Monero.

Whare do you get this 500k figure from?

I was participating in the stress test and noticed node stability issues around that level. It could be +/- 200k, we will see when an official report is released regarding the test.

But for certain at current state Monero cannot handle 1 million tx per day without problems.


@tusker @aldalire

Which sites can we look to for past and incoming reports?

Pretty sure it will appear here and on reddit.

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