@Tfmonkey I know you are mad at me but tell your paypiggies that if you can't use subscribestar you can use privacy.com they basically take your money then pay for subscribestar.com with another card number. I use it to keep cards secret so if they hack the number they only get $5 a month from the card and I don't have to get a new debit card.

@Tfmonkey Where is the Stream BTW? I was listening to it on Rumble and now it's gone

@Tfmonkey I hope you have your Arch ready and 2 of all animals. You are about to get the flood!!! youtu.be/XuYXx0jwcYw

@Tfmonkey Giving away too much info... plus you can get 10 feet of snow or landslides

@Tfmonkey I really don't understand how someone that has the same values as me can come to very different conclusions. Like saying you love everyone humanity Normies in one breath and saying "good" When UN admits to taking out 50% of people with the clot shot. I am for the clot shot to work it's magic because I hate the fucking Normies... don't love them

@VeganBob The weak dying is part of nature and will make humanity stronger, and I love humanity and look forward to the future.

Evolution isn't pretty or fair, but you either embrace it or you get crushed by it.

@Tfmonkey So since you sound like a Nationalist do you like Pat Buchanan and mercantilism? I know Sowell doesn't believe in it but I don't think Sowell would be against Dual Citizenship. Also, do you want closed borders to black and brown people and only allow hard working white people into the country???

@VeganBob I used to think you were just trying to be provocative but now I think you're genuinely stupid. I'm not sure if it's the vegan thing, but I've known enough vegans to not rule it out.


@Tfmonkey I am not trying to be provocative. I really don't know, you say lots of things that are very surprising. I am not trying to be a gotcha asshole like Destiny. Loving humanity then hoping for billions to have a heart attack because they are weak is very contradictory to me. I want these people to have a heart attack so I agree I just hate them...

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