@Tfmonkey Is this why you hate black people? The farmers are cutting down your forest so chimps are killing black people. Did a black man cut down your tree??? youtu.be/qbVX1pQ3c1U

@VeganBob I don't hate black people. I just hate it when black people assume all monkeys or apes are somehow referring to them.

Those black people are always just looking for something to offend them so they can cry about racism and get away with shit though. If it wasn't monkeys it would be something else.

@Tfmonkey @VeganBob @Tfmonkey @VeganBob Some people just don't understand that I hate orcs, not niggers. I have to keep telling progressives, "no those are not subhuman barbaric degenerates who deserve to be exterminated, those are just niggers, so calm down."

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey It was a joke. The YouTube video was about chimps in Uganda killing human children in revenge. Humans black people are cutting down their forest and the chimps are killing their kids walking to school

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