Bronnie James, a young athlete, just got cardiac arrest.

The CNN doctor said covid puts you at a higher risk of myocarditis than the vax...

LOLOLOL I got covid twice and have had ZERO health issues since.

With 2 exceptions everyone I know who got vaxxed has health issues.


@basedbagel I going to play Devil advocate here. You arent a high performance athlete most people got the shot and they are ok I know this cause everyone in my family my parent uncles sinblings etc took it and they are ok The ones that are dying are the ones that put estress in their heart like this person or are too old already still going to die anyway but the general public are ok.

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What you said may be true but you're missing the point.

They lied and supressed any dissent about the vax and FORCEd it on us on the pretense it was safe and effective.

Idc if only 2 people died it's a completely unnecessary death thats 105 avoidable and everyone responsible should be charged with 1st degree murder.

Only 1 member of my family had chest pain but prior to the vax it was 0.

Also most people still trust the media and big pharma so it only gets worse from here.

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