@UncleIroh Or Meat Is just Estrogens AND Antibiotics so Is better to avoid it
Meat is a COMPLETE food.
All things equal, if you and I were pitted against each other in a collapse, and me and my family had only meat, and you & yours had only vegetables & fruit, my family would conquer your shit and annihilate you 10/10.
GG, not even close. That math works for practically every pairing; vegans lose every time, even excluding dairy.
Meat is the most nutritionally dense and complete food, period.
Eat worms bitch.
@UncleIroh Nope you are incorrect in so many ways first of all The reason hunter gathers went basically extinct even though they were stronger AND bigger than farmers Is because farmers outnumber them cause Hunter Gathers need to way until The kids can walk before having The next one while The farmers can have has many The want or require to help in The labor
@UncleIroh You wont have insulin shots, statins AND many many other drugs that help keep The diseases cause by meat dairy and eggs on check you Will live 40 Old in best case scenario