@irie I could have told you that. That's literally what the mythos around human evolution say as well.

@sjw @irie

What nutrient is found in meat that the brain needs that can not be found in milk, eggs, honey, yeast, mushrooms / fungus nor plants

What if they are only doing this

1 To allow Jews to continue animal sacrifices

2 To promote cannibalism

@shortstories @irie
My guy, I'm pretty sure animal cells count as meat. That's pretty much the most basic definition of meat.

@sjw @irie

"why do hens lay eggs that aren't fertilized if there is no chance of their eggs hatching chicks?

Well, the main reason is that hens don't know if their eggs are going to be fertilized."


There are vegetarians that eat eggs

Vegans do not eat eggs

@shortstories @sjw @irie Eggs are chicken mestruation that comes from The chicken cloaca that Is just puré cholesterol AND trans fat I don't consume eggs cause I like my blood flow clear.

@VeganMGTOW @shortstories @sjw @irie i eat alot of eggs, and i feed them to my dog too. And because of that, if we met on the streets i cpuld break your bones and rape you to death with ease, especially of my soggy doggy got ahold of you first

@Soy_Magnus @irie @sjw @shortstories My bonen density Is above The normal range it would be pretty difficult to break it since my Diet Is inflamation free my body don't need to break my Bones to get some calsium in The blood to reduce acid

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@VeganMGTOW @irie @sjw @shortstories that statement tells me everything i need to know your spy riddled body would literally evaporate under the might of my carnivorous DICK
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