Top International Virologist Issues Dire Warning: “Massive, Massive Tsunami of Death Among Highly Vaccinated…is Imminent”

@southpole21 Yeah Right I have seen this before many times Sincé 2020 All puré dissapoinment

@VeganMGTOW The word "imminent" is the only problem I see. If you listen to the actual podcast with the virologist, he's talking about long term VAIDS.

If you're disappointed, it's because of the controlled opposition that exaggerated the effects as if they're insta kill shots. The government knows the masses forget everything in a few years, by the time these people are dying in droves (which statistically they already are starting to), their brains will be occupied with the "current thing"


@Based_Accelerationist Well I hope You are correct the thing if You know few thing about human anatomy our bodies are a pretty good machine that is specially good getting rid of toxins if they do put more toxins yearly or every six months I doubt that this Covid shots will kill or injure the amount that cause a real systemic change More easily we reduce human population with the low birth rates than waiting for these jabs do the thing

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@VeganMGTOW Yes but these aren't just toxins, they cross the blood-brain barrier and they change DNA. Young people who are at their healthiest, are dying because of the contents in those shots. It's not a question of how deadly they are, but of how consistent the doses were. Regardless, the goal isn't to kill everyone and especially not all at the same time. They're building camps, they're thinking long term.
But they wouldn't have gone through all the trouble of mass vaccination for no reason.

@Based_Accelerationist You saying young people dying I don't know that seen difficult to see. I won't deny it didnt happen but as the same as the people that got droppy faces it is so rare that it won't affect the system the only people that die in a considerable number were the old people and most of Those death wasnt the Jab alone they asfixie them using the oxigen machines (pay by the goverment) others for depression etc. So I still think the jabs are useless to call the population.

@VeganMGTOW Well there's no denying it, unless you were to claim these athletes and kids having heart attacks were victims of Long Covid.

Now are these numbers enough to change anything in the short term? Absolutely not, they're just a statistic for now. However, vaccinating against a virus like the Flu only weakens your immune system for no payoff. Doing it repeatedly is even worse. Add mRNA technology and you can expect an outbreak of VAIDS and chronic illnesses

It's logic vs normalcy bias

@Based_Accelerationist Oh yeah there You have a point if the do the same with the flu shot there is what I told You before they need to put the toxins yearly or every six months to really do the effect I guess we can expect the inmune system destroy of this population I wonder how much are still taking the flu shot to this day.

@VeganMGTOW Yes, the more boosters they take the worse it gets, but the smaller the timeframe between the shots, the more overloaded the immune system gets. People who got >2 shots, don't need to get more for their immune systems to shutdown in the next 5 to 10 years, assuming they got the real thing. It's a done deal, it just takes time to manifest.

But at this point, it seems what's going to cull people in the short term will be war. It truly seems as if globalists didn't plan this properly.

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