
I Will create a YouTube Channel of AI videos of Cats doing crazy stuff (realistic) so see I can earn some money to pay My bills.

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@VeganMGTOW you are poor in diet, body, and mind, and to top it all off your are a broke ass niggers too, sad.

@37712 Well things happens when You live in a third world country

@VeganMGTOW Cat videos? Not the kind of poosey content I was expecting...

The least you can do is capitalise on selling AI waifu nudes to beta cuck blue pilled manginas. Cucks, in this day and age, never seems to cease in supply.

@crimsonrealist Nah I want a passive income "views" I don't want to mud myself selling stuff or interacting with people Even if is online.

@Indignation Yeah but instead realistic Cats like the videos that have millions of views

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