I've come to a decision I want to be free. So I'm going to make that my goal in life. And hopefully I can find like minded people. I want to help with a better tomorrow.


@Gonzo17 Well if that is your ultimate GOAL let me give this advice this comes from personal experience so you can take or not Is Your choice.

I learn that what Makes people sick and and weak Is meat dairy and eggs. You maybe won't notice cause You maybe around your early 20's I am in My early 40's so I know what is adding garbage to your body and it consequences.

I supose to start being depending of the medical Health Care business but thanks to My awareness of nutrition I avoid being slave

@VeganMGTOW I'm around your age I try to eat natural and homegrown. Mainly be healthy, save money, and be independent.

@Gonzo17 Wao but by your voice I would imagine You were way younger

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