I wonder if this trump shooting is another op, false flag. Wonder how the narrative about election will change. This could be a symbolic sacrifice to get trump haters to accept him being president. ‘He’s bled, he was almost killed, we could survive 4 more years of him.” Or to provoke Trump supporters as an excuse to crush them.
There’s so much deception and reality tv, hard to know if any of it is real. Don’t know how much Trump is actually a threat or if he’s just a heel in wrestling match.
@VeganMGTOW @southpole21 What is this nonsense, some date based on numerology and Trump's hair looking like the state of Florida from the right angle?
I don't entertain conspiracy theories for their own sake, I simply follow the logic regardless of where it leads me. And that video is anything but logical. It does a disservice to actual so-called "conspiracy theorists".