They can give animals mRNA so called vaccines and call the animal products such as meat, milk, or eggs derived from them organic and non-gmo so I have been trying to eat Vegan

I got sodas which I was hoping would be vegan but they list natural and artificial ingredients

I can not find any soda that does not cost at least twice as much that is claimed to be vegan & or does not list natural and artificial ingredients

At that point I could just buy juice

But I want low filling food

So I am having difficulty getting vegan sources of protein that do not make me feel to full

I could do 28000 Calories of exercise a day in a 4 hour time block at 700 Calories per hour and try to get at least 140 grams of protein plus a gallon of fluid every day but it is very difficult to eat enough food in the form of protein, plus water requirements

The easiest way I could manage this on a fat free vegetarian diet was Greek yogurt & cottage cheese but vegan food is too filling


@shortstories Vegan source of protein. Little search in the internet can help you with that just eat enough calories begginers Vegan do this mistake I Did it myself when I started

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