He's got that weak ass low T voice and a history of government approved drug abuse so I am going with for the money and he will blame it on other.

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Jordan Peterson

Lol. Scott Ritter just detailed his AIPAC offer near the end of this recent video. Time stamp is around 151:00. youtube.com/watch?v=-0VmhkD37D

It appears we are going full Isreal instead of full South Africa. At least there's more land here.

youtube.com/watch?v=G9boJpqiZT This isn't with the most recent info anymore but was an interesting interview from a high level security guy who comes across as sincere.

Cutting seed oils out of your diet is very noticeable. Wish I would have read labels for them much sooner. Also glad that the water where I moved recently tastes like sulfur so it got my lazy ass to start filtering. Not night and day but definitely a change in digestion and energy.

I want to know the caliber of the rifle used. I heard Larry Johnson cia PR guy last night throwing out a 22 LR narrative and all of the MSM is saying AR 15 without details. My uneducated take is things don't make sense. The report is a man in the stands got shot and was pretty much immediately dead but Trump was shot through the ear but brushed it off. Maybe the one in the stands was one or more very direct head shots but this seems odd.

Take a step back after your emotions subside and question everything.

Gets up to 90 degrees in the middle of June and NBC is talking climate crisis. Someone does anything with a gun near a major city and CBS is talking about mass shooting. FOX will find some reason to blame everything on antisemitism at the moment. I see these local news networks have been assigned a specific role in the full force gay op.

Scott Ritter and Judge N stopped from going to Russia and Larry Johnson sitting in Russia with a Hawaiian shirt on getting interviewed by the judge
is pretty funny. youtube.com/watch?v=3hXoM-vV_V

The Trump drama needs more WWE writers. I want special moves and more elaborate costumes.

Trump was prepped and planned. Might have not gone the way of the plan but it's all fake and gay. WWE, mainstream media, and Isreal.
youtube.com/watch?v=dVxVDDYwNv youtube.com/watch?v=vVeVcVBW_C

America has built in nearby islands to exile people to when things get worse. Island prison colonies for the elites that deserve it would be a good idea.

I have been slowly transitioning off Google stuff and finally killed my Gmail account the other day. Didn't realize how bad Google Maps had got until traveling last week. Maybe it was always that way. Shout out to Google's Gay Ai for speeding up the process.

I wonder if the control aspects of programmed credit cards given out to illegals are a more of a inducement and control thing or a long term money control beta test of both. foxnews.com/politics/new-york-

Hey frens. Any opinions on middle earth almost purple states Missouri and Ketucky? Prob moving soon and I want grungy land to fuck off to. Open to further south but the only other state that seems good for that is Tenessee. TN and FL seem a little to warm and expensive to fuck off to so far.

What really gets me is listening to a Jewish scholar casually mention the Zionist movement and it's goal to radically remake society because Jews have realized they cannot compete openly on their merits and not expounding on it. Three sentences then poof. Bro....

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.