
@Tfmonkey I'll succintetly show my gratitude to you and the rest of the stream crew for talking about Habit building.

Never got used to exercise. Hated it. I associated it and not snacking to pain and just died to see results. I kept jumping out of the bandwagon and ended up fatter than ever.

Right now I set myself to exercise everyday, in the gym or at home. Despite remaining a fat fuck my arms and legs got bigger and toner. My energy levels are also high.

2 months in. Not giving up. Cheers.

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@Wopu A trick is to not exercise to exhaustion and to just do a bit every day and to mix in fun forms of exercise so that you don't associate exercise with negative experiences.

@Tfmonkey I mainly do weightlifting. My programs didn't evolve a lot and were thought for a 3 sessions week.

I ended up doing that program but with little to no resting days between 3 session sets.
That has more to do with me knowing I lose willpower to get back on tracks if I rest for too long. It's not ideal for muscle growth but it did get me further than any past attempts.

You are still right. Most people would quit the first week as it's the hardest. A steady and lasting plan is the best.

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