It's "fascism" when they do it.

It's "____ capitalism" when we do it.

@Tfmonkey I've also heard the term "Market Socialism" but only in French.

@Wopu When was the last time the French had a good idea?

@Tfmonkey @Wopu @Tfmonkey
Well, they've kept up on nuclear power research. I think I remember reading about them doing something with pebblebed reactors?

@BiggusDiccus @Tfmonkey For years our energy was nearly half the price of Germany's. In fact we exported our electricity to them while they kept their coal industry.

Now we're actively sabotaging our own energy sector and EDF (main supplier of electricity in the country) has pretty much been nationalized last year following the goverment's purchase of 75% of EDF stocks.

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@Wopu @Tfmonkey @Wopu
So the french have shot thier own dicks off again? Is there a single developed country that hasn't been pozzed with this bullshit?

Fuck it. How's Peru nowadays?
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