I always cringe at the mention of "we want the same things"/"we agree on more than we disagree" when it is someone who has politics that are diametrically opposed to my own. When you want to go the exact opposite direction that I do, we are nowhere near "wanting the same things."

Having some vague "same" end goal is not the same thing as a fully implemented set of policies seen to their conclusion. Because of this, common ground is most often not found.


@houseoftolstoy That's mainly why the US is so enclaved to the point where you have two populations being forced to tolerate each other.

The sad thing is parting ways can not take place peacefully. It has to be done through a Civil War. Even suggesting "Hey, since we're so different, may as well go our own path. That'll put an end to the clivage if we go by Live and Let Live." will get you mocked and ridiculed out of the room.

Welp. Violence will inevitably solve this.

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