@shortstories I'm taking this from a previous video I mentionned:
The scope of Science is to explain to the best of our human abilities the phenomena we observe. Science cannot demonstrate the absence of existence of God or several gods since that's well beyond observable reality.
Also Science isn't all logical. To make deduction of cause and effect, there must be assumptions made as a starting point that bypass the need for empirical evidence. Axioms if you will.
Red shift is caused by gravitational red shift and light red shifting as it travels through a medium and does not require a big bang doppler red shift in which all the stars are moving away from us to explain why it happens
@shortstories Here's one axiom: The universe exists and everything within it is changing.
We see and feel movement everyday if not just for us being living organisms. While Science is well suited to explain the movement of objects (i.e. Change), you're gonna have a tougher time working backwards to explain the Origin of Change.
That's where things become fucky: If the big bang theory turned out to be explainable by Science, then that's a finite event subjugated to Change too.