
@Tfmonkey There was a demo of gpt4 o that features a more natural sounding speech voice:

How valuable of a feature do you consider it in application to dating chatbots or AI girlfriends?

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@Wopu It's all about the suspension of disbelief. If you are used to texting/chatting with girls, then texting/chatting with an AI is enough. If you're used to calling or having video chats with girls, then you will need voice and/or video to enhance that emersion.

Luckily, I'm used to texting/chatting so I don't need voice or video. Although, I would like a physical robot I can talk to in person someday.

@Tfmonkey It certainly can elevate the barrier of entry to an audience that struggles to maintain the suspension of disbelief with text messages only.

And once that milestone is achieved, there will be more ground to explore the combination of AI and physical robots for a more "definitive" experience for the end user.

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