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This video is so "radicalizing" it should be played 24/7 on all social media, untill "normies" realize they too are this "amalek" indistinguishable from Palestinians to zionists/jews.

Everything jews are doing to Palestine, or anyone else in that region, they 100% absolutely are doing to you.
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Hunting pirates with yachts (and UAC amounts of weaponry)

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Holy cow! New mom is charged “$738,360 freaking dollars, almost a MILLION dollars” for her daughter’s one month NICU stay.

Just impossible — our hcare system is broken. And we wonder why 41% of Americans have medical debt 💸 …Save a life and destroy a family. #press #healthcare

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Note that Ivermectin is a specific inhibitor of the replication of HIV-1, and we know that the gain of function in COVID-19 included HIV insertions in the viral sequence; hence, the VAIDS epidemic we are now witnessing as expressed by the plethora of adverse events such as the turbo cancer phenomenon means that we may extrapolate that Ivermectin will attenuate VAIDS, and cure severe adverse events like turbo cancer, prion-based diseases, etc.

Speaking of turbo cancers, we know that these these EUA “vaccines” were deliberately “contaminated” by the highly carcinogenic SV40 promotor sequences, with this Substack having previously surmised that Ivermectin will disrupt replication, and thus the associated downstream cancer effects:

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.