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@Tfmonkey I won't tell where I'm getting this but there are companies making moves on Ocean Energy mainly because most customers that are small islands that rely heavily on fossil fuels and want to attain energy autonomy as much as possible. They dont have the means to get their own sustainable energy sources so a crisis would greatly hinder them.

Just on the Ganzirri site, there is a potential Annual Energy Production (AEP) of 150GWh and a Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) of 0.10€/kWh

TLDW: AI can reliably predict race belonging to a degree much higher than a human expert (capable of finding patterns within the problem) but couldn't reliably predict how long a relationship can last despite all the featured inputs fed.

There is no "Finding the Unicorn" because even said Unicorn can also divorce you out of the blue.

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Yeah I'm done browsing the Internet for today. Time to close the tabs and get to work.

*Plays Doom*

I had an obese gym beginner starting today at my gym. Said good luck to him before leaving.

As much as seeing the same faces show up regurlarly is fine, I like seeing fat or slender newcomers because I was also at their place. Change starts now and I hope most of them will stick around.

@Tfmonkey I'll succintetly show my gratitude to you and the rest of the stream crew for talking about Habit building.

Never got used to exercise. Hated it. I associated it and not snacking to pain and just died to see results. I kept jumping out of the bandwagon and ended up fatter than ever.

Right now I set myself to exercise everyday, in the gym or at home. Despite remaining a fat fuck my arms and legs got bigger and toner. My energy levels are also high.

2 months in. Not giving up. Cheers.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.