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Almost everything women say they want is a false pretense to hide that they are shallow.

when a woman says she wants an "emotionally available" man, she wants a guy who will sit and listen to her complain about her life. She wants an emotional dumping ground of a man.

under no circumstance does she want to hear about YOUR problems. She wants to bitch to you, not the other way around.

Women are turned off when men displays vulnerability. They do not actually like emotional guys. Shocker.

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>your pic related is literally that one meme, lol
>women will say shit like this and then wonder why they were oppressed by every nation on all 7 continents for thousands of years

it really shows you that 1. women do not view average men as people and 2. if they do they apparently still think telling average men to kill themselves because they're only decent is okay, which is way worse

the 19th amendment was a mistake

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>What are the political implications of young men hiding from the world?

>94% of new hires at corporations went to BIPOC post-pandemic.
>66% of Young men in their 20s are single and not looking for a relationship compared to 34% of women.
>Depression and suicide rates for Gen Z men are sky-high.

Well you just answered your own question, didn't you? There is absolutely nothing left for the modern young man. There is no pride in your ZOG nation state, nor in the camraderie you share with your fellow whites. Shitskins are pouring into the West from every third world shithole, being given free housing, spending money and legal aid all at the taxpayer's expense.

Does the nation state defend against this? No. They encourage it, and will arrest you for criticizing the newcomers' backwards savage ways. You will never own a house. The average woman is a whore, with a double digit count of sexual partners by her mid-twenties. Courts are biased against you in almost any legal case. A woman can destroy your life with a rape allegation, the consequences of which likely aren't even leaving after you're cleared (if you ever are).

Inflation is high, wages are low. Expect for both you and your wife to be working full time for the income to support ONE child, let alone two. That's assuming you manage to land employment to begin with, with DEI ensuring any nigger, fag or troon will get into the same position with a fraction of the effort and experience.

Knowing all of this, why the honest fuck would young men even try? The remaining options are to either scourge society of kikery before it's too late, or enjoy 5-10 years of comfort before you're a minority in your own country and the overstrained, corroded mess that is western civilization is finally picked clean of gibs by the brown hordes.

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Don't mind me, just spreading some Jewish propaganda.

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