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When a corporation gets subsidies from the State, and despite the aid, goes bankrupt then it gets nationalized. It becomes property of the State.

When the people get pensions and aids from the State, and despite the welfare programs, can't afford to live, then they "get nationalized". They become property of the State. "Serfdom" as some call it.

They probably just did it because that's the continuity of their ideology and they wanna have their way with minors. Disgusting regardless..

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Always go with the answer that makes the most sense with least assumptions.

My little but prob wrong Conspiracy theory: The UN decriminilalized sex with kids above 10 in an effort to increase fertility rate. They know too much migration will tilt the balance against them and they need to maintain Progressivism long run. Children are an easy target for indoctrination and no amount of empowerment will make them independent. May as well impregnate young teen girls early to keep up in demographics.

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I wouldn't be surprised if it gets a minute on The Morning Constitutional but here goes:
Meet the ‘elite’ couples breeding to save mankind -

Natalism is essentially one of those philosophies that promote breeding for the sake of "saving Western Civilisation". There is no mention of the methodology nor what is to preserve from Western cultures but you quickly induce Feminism's in it. No patriarchy.

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I finally did 90 days of exercise! Quite the milestone but also only the Beginning.

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@Tfmonkey Watch this, it's funny. Female cop loses her cop van to a minority.

@Tfmonkey Take this with whatever size you want your salt but I find this to be a good illustration that, even if men don't know about MGTOW, they can get the philosophy by knowing better.

TL-DR: Girlfriend in a 2 years relationship goes to a work conference, mentions getting a "free pass". Boyfriend agrees. Two days later, he vanishes completely.

If anyone loves the aesthetic of Pizza Tower and wished more games took on old cartoon and anime artstyle, here is a GZDoom full conversion:

@Tfmonkey you mentioned a turn based RPG with Eldritch theme and characters with skills based on their ethnicity. At first I thought you meant Koudelka for PS1 but you may have had the sequel in mind, which is called Shadow Hearts (PS2)

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I gave some life advice to my boyfriend, and this is the meme we ended our chat on

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A legit trans did this comic. I fully support it. MPTL's are rubbing their hands in the shadows.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.