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Wopu boosted

How it started: "Fuck right wingers, fuck LePen supporters. Y'all are nazis and I hope you die."

How it's going: "Gypsies broke into my truck, beat me up, stole everything, and hanged my cat. Have mercy, I need government help."

Yeah the cat didn't deserve it.

Wopu boosted
These are the people who are in favor of water fluoridation.

They want to use chemicals to fuck with your body, and they don't care if it kills you.
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Wopu boosted

According to sources, this cunt was jealous of the 3 Million followers P’nut had on FB, insta and TikTok and she bragged about to “show this rat” who’s the boss.

What a cunt!!!

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Wopu boosted
Man: "I consent."
Squirrel: "I consent."
Government: "I don't."

No matter how much you think you hate the government.
You don't hate them enough.
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Wopu boosted
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.