I see arguments of this form from Christian Nationalists a lot:
1. If we were Christian, we would ban {a bunch of things like feminism}.
2. We really want to ban those things since they're bad.
3. Therefore, we should force Christianity on folks.

This is an affirming the consequent fallacy.

Further, we don't need to force this religion to ban bad things. Christianity, as history has shown, also brings its own bad things.

@philosophy Christianity AND Feminism is The same Stuff they both are "Slave Morality". Drag everyone to lowest common denominator pathetic

@VeganMGTOW @philosophy - Agreed! Christianity is just another flavor of slave morality - and maybe it's the oldest flavor still existing in the West (I suppose actual slavery must exist somewhere).

Christianity, if it was ever a just worldview... has already been subverted, and can easily be done in again - in the very unlikely event it ever becomes based. This process plays out in the macro and in the micro. You can see it over time on an individual level - if you're ever friends/family to ➡️


@VeganMGTOW @philosophy - ➡️someone on a Christian spiritual journey.

I've seen too many Christian cucks, in my personal life, to ever be pursuaded that Christianity is the answer. It becomes a matter of: "The answer to what? What's the question?"

If we're asking ourselves how do we improve this life? How do we improve this world? Well... Christ doesn't care about that. It's explicit in the Christian worldview. The hardship of this life doesn't matter, according to Christianity... So why ➡️

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@VeganMGTOW @philosophy - ➡️would anyone think Christianity seeks to improve this life, or this world? It doesn't.

If someone wants to quietly live out their Christian ideals... Then fine. But when I hear someone preaching, telling any who would listen, all about how Christ is the answer... Well, I get awfully tempted to crucify them.

And as I write that, it occurs to me that the feeling may explain a lot about what became of Jesus and why. He spoke of how his followers would be persecuted ➡️

@VeganMGTOW @philosophy - ➡️and conveniently left out the part about why, and the fact that they deserve to be persecuted. Christianity teaches people to accept injustice. And that deserves to be crucified. 🫡

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