
Ukraine is sending their female prisoners to the meat grinder. I love seeing nato fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. Let's see if the next "ukraine" will kill their government when west Israel tries to sacrifice them.

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@shortstories Hehe no. I consider Israel to be east israel...similar to how the byzantine empire was eastern rome.


Then where is West Israel?

What did you mean by West Israel?

Is Israel the same as East Israel and Ukraine the same asWest Israel?

I am not good at geography so I looked up the longitude online and saw I got it backwards

32.0740331" N, 34.7753658" E

48.9073723" N, 31.7221141" E

It looks like Israel is East of Ukraine and Ukraine is West of Israel

West Israel = US.
The US is not a country anymore, it's just a vassal. Although even calling the US Israel would be valid.

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