If it wasn't clear to you before now, the last 2 weeks of MSM/Reddit/TikTok/Meta should have made it crystal clear:

Western politics revolves around appointing people that won't be hated by women.

I fucking hate that this is true, but it is.

Women's right is only second to the protection of genocide by jews. As long as Israel is obeyed, the west loves to choke on the feminism gay transdick.


JD Vance is nowhere near perfect. But he is also emblematic of a guy who's had enough of the female-pandering bullshit and refuses to make cutesy noises to resentful bitches.

Him making a correct statement about sad, lonely cat-ladies will cost him & Trump a lot of votes because they're all in their feelings and big mad about being called out.

I hate that this is what we've come to. Pandering to the feelings of fucking children. Fuck this bullshit..

@UncleIroh @Zeb so you're saying you agree with this nutjob's assertion that the only value a woman brings is motherhood?

Your military got its ass kicked by patriarchal goatherds in Afghanistan.

@UncleIroh @Zeb

@StarProphet @UncleIroh @Zeb yes, U.S wasted 20 years in Afghanistan, that war has been going on since I was a child. What's your point ?


No young man, especially the White men (who are the most militarily significant group), is interested in dying for girlbosses and ZOG.

@UncleIroh @Zeb


@StarProphet @teratology @UncleIroh

I always advise young men to fully convert to Islam. Islam gives them everything they say they want: a stable society, tight communities, segregated workplace, up to 4 wives, many kids that are either his or he can stone the whore, no obligation to pay tax (stealing is haram), jihad against jews and faggots while still can fuck any woman as sex with infidels don't count.

The only real downside is you must pray to Allah instead of to bibi netanyahu.

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