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Zeb 摆烂 boosted
I think they're talking about election time in America.
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted

@UncleIroh Always remind the "problem" to take all the vaccines and stay up to date. We're all in this together against "the problem".

Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted

@Pain66 Korea will not go extinct. Eventually north Korea (the best korea!) will simply walk in and inherit the empty land down south.

Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.