Zeb boosted

I see your point but the problem is women aren't productive or reliable enough to justify the effort it would take to manipulate them for money.

Better to just make your own way and leave the country asap

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The biggest cause of antisemitism online isn't shitposting by edgelords. It's israel.

@houseoftolstoy They are not going down the drain fast enough. We've been deceived by history that only focus on the big stuff and doesn't reflect how slow and stupid all these communist revolutions and failed states come to be.

Well, someone has to pay for all that welfare to strong independent whamyn

Zeb boosted

Hey @Mike_Microwave, don't threaten @Tfmonkey with a good time if you're not gonna follow through.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey
They serve a function. In programming language you also need virtual classes that are empty and exist only to refer to an existing origin class.
The irony is that all virtual classes share the same member, just like npcs: you just need to change their origin code ("the message") and you take them all over.

@shortstories Exactly. With this new monopoly gifted to them, just 7 years later they put in the 19th amendment that would allow the jews to subvert and rule the goyim for over a century, forever if every one keeps cucking to the synagogue of Satan.

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The Federal Reserve Act was passed by the 63rd United States Congress and signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913. The law created the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States.


I'm calling "America" West Israel" from now on. America died officially in 1913.

@Gonzo17 America stop existing in 1913. Now you're just West Israel.

Zeb boosted

Ok, that makes sense! Marcia Aurelius was blessed with a jew-free Rome!
No wonder he lived in its golden age and is remembered as the philosopher king.

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Hello insomnia my old friend

I've come to post some shit again

And Lions Mane I should be drinking

Instead my brain won't stop thinking

And the dumb shit that just rattles in my brain

Still remains

Scrolling through anime boobs

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