I love how the West is calling for genocide right after exhausting their militaries and losing in Ukraine.

Did they not JUST underestimate their opponents and get their shit pushed in?

This does prove my theory that Russia could have ended the conflict by threatening to give Iran nukes if NATO didn't fuck off.

Look at how quickly America went from "we're out of weapons, we need to freeze the conflict" to "genocide everyone!" instantly when their precious Jews were threatened.


@Tfmonkey this whole thing feels like it is just too coincidental at the heels of failed Ukraine war and complete failure of both foreign and domestic US policy. Either they sensed the US weakness and decided to act or the CIA have engineered another conflict flash point to distract and fund more war and money laundering to the middle east now the Ukraine play is a complete failure. Need a war before the election process in US starts and need to crack down on "terrorists" again - patriot act 2.0

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