The biggest red pill i ever got was that women can't self-actualize.

I can't even imagine living like that.

How can you appreciate art, literature or architecture?

It still blows my mind


Another thought about this: since women can’t self realize, there’s no sense of working towards. They also don’t conceive of the future, or past. Everything is about the present.

I think this is a part of destructive behavior and policy because there’s no regard for tomorrow or anyone else. It’s all about me, now, always. So there’s no respect for the future or how others will be affected.

It’s just looting whatever you can. It’s everyone’s fault for allowing it.


Keen observation @southpole21 but TBH I don't mind it.

It's refreshing to have a bitch bring you down to earth when you've got alot on your mind.

It's just WAY out of hand these days.

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