What I like about having my own business:

1. NO VACCINE! 😃 Literally the reason why I started lol

2. I get to work whenever I want, with who I want, wherever I want.

So no more:

Envious/passive aggressive coworkers
Pretending to work

3. People treat me with more respect.

4. Paid by project > hours.

What I don't like

1. Cheap/Retard ass clients

2. Taxes are a pain!

3. Prospecting - constantly sending proposals, getting ghosted and following up with leads can be a pain.

@basedbagel any tips for newbies who want to start a business?



Just a few off the top of my head:

1. BEST resource start your company step-by-step (in USA):


2. Keep your costs as low as you can until you're making $$.

My startup costs were about $500

3. Find a way to charge monthly because getting new clients is a hassle.

4. COMMIT. It took me about >350 proposals to get my 1st client.

5. Don't tell anyone about your biz when your start. People hate on what they don't understand.

Good luck!

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