What I like about having my own business:

1. NO VACCINE! 😃 Literally the reason why I started lol

2. I get to work whenever I want, with who I want, wherever I want.

So no more:

Envious/passive aggressive coworkers
Pretending to work

3. People treat me with more respect.

4. Paid by project > hours.

What I don't like

1. Cheap/Retard ass clients

2. Taxes are a pain!

3. Prospecting - constantly sending proposals, getting ghosted and following up with leads can be a pain.


1. I handle by turning down customers where you see the warning signals.

2. I pay someone else to do my taxes.

3. Well, I think the trick is to enjoy this one. In my case I tend to accept long time customers, but from time to time it's always good to see what the market has to offer. =)

Thanks! @h4890

As for #3 now that I've pivoted to a monthly service it's less of a grind now.

I wanted to be transparent with all the people saying starting a business is easy.

It may be easy to start a biz but client acquisition is TOUGH.


What I did was to build a network while having a regular job, and then starting my own. Having that network in place, makes it easier to find customers.

Another thing I've done is to run a meetup for the last 7 years which is also a good PR exercise.

Since it's been around for so long its kind of become a brand, so usually I get 40-120 people to visit depending on my sponsor and the venue.



"Run a meetup for the last 7 years which is also a good PR exercise. "

Genius! I'm stealing that idea.

I'm having a hard time networking so that would be a great help

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Please do, and best of luck! =) My principles for hosting good meetups are:

1. Ban all salesmen.
2. Have good speakers.
3. Try and find a sponsor so you can offer free beer + burger to the first 10-30 attendees (depending on budget of course).
4. Have patience and grow your meetup over time.

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