I miss when Youtube wasn't a mainstream platform.

Before content creation became a legit career path you could tell what people posted came from the heart.

This is what saddens me about the state of the manosphere.

When I 1st heard these stories of men getting ghosted on, falsely accused or losing access to their kids you could FEEL their pain.

These soulless grifters just reheat the same stale talking points every day and so BORING and manufactured these days.



I enjoyed sorting videos by the oldest as a way to see what a content creator was really about before the $$.

You can't even check that anymore since YT has removed that feature along with banning some of my favorite classic videos.

Nor can you reach out to them without them trying to charge you for their bum ass inner circle.

I know I have to adapt or die so I'll stop bitching and accept my place as a YT boomer.

Those were some good times though.

Thanks FBI for curing my YT addiction.

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