
2 years free of those GOD AWFUL ADD meds!

Praise the lord!

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I remember crying to myself years ago wondering if I would be on this shit for the rest of my life.

It took years but I can finally manage my ADD naturally.

Being able to focus unmedicated must be what blind people feel like when they can see for the 1st time.

good for you. keep big pharma out of your body as much as possible. those drug manufacturers and most of the licensed pro's that prescribe them aren't concerned with your health.
stay healthy, as naturally as possible.

Amen to that! @southpole21

The meds worked great for the 1st 90 days then all hell broke loose.

-Heart palpitations
-Lack of appetite
-Mood swings
-Dry mouth
-Low libido

T was strugging with all this nonsense while working and UNI

IT's a miracle I ma'de it through

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