
One thing I didn't realize I miss about having a woman around:

Being brought back down to earth when ruminating on abstract concepts.

I have fond memory of being lost in deep thought and a girl asks me what i think about some boots lol

Didn't think I'd miss that but It came to mind when reading Schopenhauer.

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@basedbagel I can sympathize. A woman can, at times, be a pleasant distraction, enjoying more simpler things, like cooking together, being silly, taking a day trip, etc.
Unfortunately, the illusion quickly dissipates when reminded of the risks involved in the current gynocentric environment.

@red_dread "Unfortunately, the illusion quickly dissipates when reminded of the risks involved in the current gynocentric environment."

Ah yes, nothing like cold, harsh jolting me awake from my idealistic visions.

But a man can dream.

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