
Here's my Angel Cop review.


1. The commies were the enemies!

2. Angel's character development

3. Mature themes explored well.

4. Witty banter was funny.

5. Soundtrack was good.

6. Girls were cute


1. There were some plot holes that didn't make any sense but given it's an OVA and not a full series I cut it some slack

2. My favorite character died.😢

3. Feminist undertones.

Overall I recommend it if you're into sci-fi anime. Good recommendation! @ugly_bastard_reborned

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@basedbagel It's great that you liked it . And I remember that with that anime they ran out of money from the budget or something happened . And that why the plot has some holes .

@ugly_bastard_reborned Ah that explains alot.

Also I looked it up on reddit and alot of people were just bitching about the anti-semitism instead of talking about the show.

I HIGHLY doubt anyone will get radicalized from watching a 40+ year old OVA but what can I say.

Powerful people are very sensitive to criticism.

@basedbagel I used as a good measure for the show how much it triggers soyboys and redditors. But it's just one of the few things I check.

@ugly_bastard_reborned Not a bad litmust test.

Funny thing is I'm not even an anti-semite but here's my beef:

1.Russians, Chinese, Nazis and MANY others are villains and noone cares. Make the Jews a villain in 1 show and everyone's up in arms? GTFOH

2. we all know that media portrays the political climate of the time. Why censor it instead of using it as a history lesson?

3. I don't like that Palestinians get murdered and anytime you try to criticize it you get called an anti-semite,🙄

@ugly_bastard_reborned I would have loved to know the political tensions that led to that sentiment in Japan but it's hard to trace with all the censorship

@basedbagel Japanese like any Asian are racists and ethnocentrists . The issue is that Japan has been under the US influence so yes . We can't get any info unless we were there . My issue with Palestine is that all the things they are doing to them they will do to us . Palestine is the model of the 15 minutes cities .


"Japanese like any Asian are racists and ethnocentrists "


" all the things they are doing to them they will do to us"

Thank you! So refreshing to see someone else who can think more than 2 moves ahead.

It's critical that we all speak out about this before it gets normalized

@basedbagel Also the thing about the CDBC is being tried in Ukraine . They use other countries to experiment .

@ugly_bastard_reborned Oh 100% they do.

They tried it in Nigeria but it failed miserably lol.

People were rioting and burning down banks because they wouldn't let them get their cash out.

Since we're still armed I'm not worried about CBDC just yet.

However another vax does concern me.

@basedbagel Yes .In Nigeria they straight out forbid the cash and people riot . The way they are going to implement it is paying the welfare in CDBC and force everyone to accept it . Regarding the vaxx no one is buying that narrative again and since Biden is in power they won't lockdown anyone . Remember that in November 2024 they will rig the elections . I don't know what will happen after that .


"The way they are going to implement it is paying the welfare in CDBC and force everyone to accept it"

I agree though they'll need to disarm us 1st. Not everyone is going for that.

"no one is buying that narrative again "

I disagree, most people still believe the vax was a net good and those that don't just chalk it up to good faith error in a time of crisis

"they will rig the elections"

Does it even matter at this point? TBH Trump disappointed me anyway.


I was just hoping the republicans would win to buy me some time to escape.

But they printed so much $$ i don't see anyway they can keep this shi afloat without CBDC style tyranny

@basedbagel One could think that they were stupid and they did on purpose to win the election and the another way of seeing it is that they want to collapse the FIAT system to default on the debt and implement the CDBC .

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