
So a few states have passed laws requiring age verification to access 18+ material.

I have mixed feelings on this.

One one hand I don't think its good that kids have such easy access to porn as it can cause some serious damage.

On the other hand I see this as a step towards ending online anonymity with the classic "think of the children" excuse.

What do you guys think?

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Why can't people just parent their damn kids?

If you want the state to parent your kids you may as well change their last name to USA because that's who owns them.

I even saw some boomer take on reddit:

"We verify age for cigs/alchohol, why not porn?"

Boomers don't understand that banning online porn is technologically infeasible.

And even if you could they would just go to twitch or youtube where they have nonsense like naked yoga.

I wish they would pass legislation to take women's rights away instead of worrying about porn

@basedbagel If someone wants to stop internet anonymity then is working for the cathedral and they aren't based or red pilled .

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