@rees and @condret thinks big pharma wants to help people with their research. Are they right?

@dicey @rees @condret

The only people big pharma wants to help is their shareholders.

Given their track record it's the obvious conclusion.


@condret @rees @dicey

Yes, they are also murderous amoral scum who will push any drug if the profit margin is high enough. regardless of any deleterious effects on mankind.

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You didn't seem to agree before the poll. Maybe it was because of something with me that you didn't want to agree with me
@dicey @rees @basedbagel i think there is a misunderstanding here. My positions are:
- big pharma is bad
- antidepressants work

you may agree or disagree with any of this, but please acknowledge that these positions are orthogonal to each other.
Antidepressants do not work though. I warn everyone about this. One of the most common side effects is suicidal thoughts and weight gain. And sexual dysfunction. Since the mechanism of antidepressants is to regulate the chemistry of your brain and studies show serotonin doesn't play a role the mechanism isn't based on science @rees
@dicey @rees @basedbagel why does the discovery that our so far explanation of how antidepressants work is wrong necessitate for you the conclusion that antidepressants don't work at all?
I no longer care about the issue. I'm just feeling very bad because the conversation resulted in my late father being insulted. I feel like slitting the throat of @rees and shitting down his throat
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