Bagels simple solutions:

My simple solution to rape I stole from Muslims:

Assign every man to supervise a woman.

Criminals are cowards and won't riskit when there's a man around.

If it does happen you have 2 witnesses.

This would protect both women and the falsely accused.

Too bad it'll never be implemented

@basedbagel There's always the chance the assigned guy will jojn in the fun and both men will just say the woman is lying.
It's a win-win either way.

> There's always the chance the assigned guy will jojn in the fun

Bro please don't joke like this there are glowies on here.

And when I said assigned guy I had father/brother or family member in mind.

That way they have a greater im estment in keeping her safe

@basedbagel Based on pornhub searches, it would be much more common than one would think lol
There are feds everywhere and if they would bother about hypothetical jokes on your imagined world, we would have much greater problems to face than what's on your mind.


Im shocked at your glib reply.

You do realize there was a secret service report about "dangerous incels" who speak using code words like based and chad.

TFM even talked about it on stream.

These people used to fight terrorists and that same apparatus is nowbeing used on us. They NEED domestic terrorists to justify their budget

We're already on the manosphere lists. Pretty sure everyone with an online profile is.
The government doesn't need an excuse to arrest and persecute anyone, you simply have to fit the narrative of the day. Don't worry about what you can't control, everyone commits 3 crimes every day if you consider all madeup laws.



IDK where you are but in the US they do need a reason and it's wise not to give them one like Jan 6th.

Except they also arrested dozens of people and even a journalists for insurrection that didn't even go to Washington on jan 6th. They just had them arrested because they can.
At the point we are you can be going to work in the subway, get punched and mugged by a nigger and they arrest you for racism.

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