
Daily reminder you all should freeze your credit with Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian.

You can do it online by making an account with each bureau in under 5 minutes.

It plays a big part in protecting you from identity theft and You can always temporarily lift it if you need a new credit line.

Everyone's credit should be frozen by default but then how else would data brokers make billions off of that sweet sweet data mining.

· Edited · · Fedilab · 1 · 2 · 2


Didn't know this was a thing. So you can freeze it until you want to do something that requires a credit check you can unfreeze it?


> Didn't know this was a thing.

There's a reason why.

*Dons tin foil 🎩*

Having a credit freeze prevents credit inquiries and anyone from taking out a line of credit in your name without your consent.

it also stops the main bureaus from selling your data.

Unless youve been a victim of identity theft no one's going to tell you about it because it's not profitable for anyone involved except for you.

> So you can freeze it until you want to do something

You sure can!

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