TIL some people's parents pay for HALF their rent and bills...

Every day is a test of my resolve not to become envious or resentful.

But this is right up there with female FULL scholarships for how much it shocked me

@basedbagel You used to be in a bad economic position, then you compared yourself to others, and now you are both in a bad economic position AND miserable. And all that for people who don't even care about you.

Also, if you focus on what you lack, you will miss what you have. There are people out there who have to survive with less than $2 a day. And opportunities in life come by leveraging what you have, not what you lack, so it's important to focus on the former not the latter.



I agree with you in principles, but in this specific case it didn't make me sad as much as it just surprised me lol I didn't know parents did that.

I just assumed everyone was busting their ass like me

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