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Might doesn't make right.

Might means you win.

But just because you win doesn't mean you're right.

I'm still right.

The pandemic did no favors for my trust issues.

How am I supposed to trust people who will turn on me as soon as they get laid or the TV tells them the sky is falling?

3 unexpected lessons from reading old books.

1. Intelligent people have always been outnumbered and outcasted from time.

2. Betrayal is nothing new and happens to the best of us.

3. None of my best ideas or personal struggles are original.

The most dangerous thing in the world is a pretty face.

A friend of mine said tinder was just for fucking and no one on there was to be taken seriously.

1 pretty face later: " I know what I said bro but she's from a small town and she's a virgin and I've never met a girl like her before..."

( I looked her up on IG and while she's mid, just looks like every other white bitch.)

Pretty girls lower mens IQ to the point where they think virgin women are on tinder.


If you still look up to content creators after FTX you deserve to be poor.

The age of the organic content creator making videos purely for their own sake is long gone.

Dear Rumble,

I heard you're giving out a lot of 💰 to sign on creators.

Please sign me rumble!

I can animate, I'm very based and Let's face it You need more pastry representation.

BASED bagel

Rumble is shaping up to be a real platform.

Theyre signing a bunch of creators and it feels like pre 2016 YouTube.

I may be speaking too soon but I'm optimistic

My American female rating system:

Top dealmakers:

In shape = + 60, most are fat

No meds= +20

No tattoos: +10

Shows up on time: +25

Friendly: +30 We love to see it

Religious: +25

Top deal breakers:

Demonic activity like witchcraft: -50

Bizarre trauma= -10, ain't nobody got time for that.

Cold/Bitchy= -30

Lots of Crazy exes = -20, shows poor judgement

Any extreme political views= -50

Needy,Clingy = -15 Kinda cute but it gets old

Who is running from the police and getting away with it in 2023?

Men and women can't be friends.

Their interests don't overlap and even if they do the man ALWAYS provides way more value in the "friendship."

Friendship should be a mutually beneficial relationship not a long term mating strategy.

Here's my take:

The North wanted their cut of the Souths $, and when they refused they got their shit fucked up.

The South wanted to keep their profits for themselves and be left alone as winners do.

But the profits the north wanted to take from the south was was only possible due to free labor\slavery.

So YES it was ultimately about resources.

But for the south to act like slavery had nothing to do with it is disingenuous as it was the economic engine for their prosperity.


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The civil war discourse has been poisoned beyond belief.

The North acts as if it was a moral war of pure intentions to deliver blacks from bondage. This is false! ❌

The South acts as if they were peacefully minding their own business fighting for freedom and slavery had nothing to do with it. Also false!❌

In reality both were power hungry factions in a power struggle for resources, material and human.

Nonsensical tribalism makes people so dishonest I swear.


From now on I'm actively avoiding all content that raises my blood pressure.

I did this easily with people but for some reason I find myself engaging with unsavory people I would never speak to in real life.

No more me nice bagel trying to comprehend the nonsense of retards.

Hormones are a powerful thing.

All of a sudden I kinda want kids now.

I knew we had a parental instinct but I didn't expect it to kick in this early...

I hate when people gaslight me about gay shit saying why do I care?

As if a man eating another man's sweaty, hairy ass isn't some blatantly repulsive shit!

Surely there a problem with ME for being disgusted by degenerate, mentally ill people.

I can tell my disgust shows in most of my social interactions which does me no favors.

But how can I trust people who believe anything the Zionist media tells them?

I know I'm not perfect and I want to get to know people as I'm an extrovert but this is proving to be quite the challenge as self improvement makes you anti social.

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After intense reflection, I just can't respect most people.

I retook calculus 3 times to get my stem degree l, only to make less than a woman that bends over or a dumbass prankster.

I lost 4 months of income, family and friends over a vaccine most people took to keep their jobs, yet are STILL BROKE and complaining about money.

I workout 6 days a week while most are obese.

Im medication free while most people aren't.

I can't respect most people as they don't even respect themselves.

Great news!

YouTube has reversed it's election misinformation policy.

Bagel theory: This is why the satanic pedo elite wants communism

YouTube had to reverse their policies because they banned so many people theyre losing market share to Rumble/Twitter.

Keep in mind rumble is just 2016 YT.

They need to remove competition and have you dependent on them so they can push there nonsensical narratives.

I heard twitter is starting a show with Tucker. It's about to get interesting

I feel bad for you if you call yourself a right-winger right now.

The right JUST realize that all of this gay shit has led to pedophilia.

Even though it was so obvious from the beginning to anyone with eyes.

These are satanic pedophiles.

They are not to be reasoned with. They are to be dealt with.

I swear the right is slower than slug going through shit

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.