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Normies call these old benzes bricks.
Well, they're actually very aerodynamic. More than most brand new cars.
You see pedestrian crash safety regulation actually spoiled aerodynamic designs

My neighbors just
took down their Ukie flag.

Global warming and this virus can do anything the elites want.

New C63 AMG is a 4 cyl hybrid.
I don't want to live in this timeline.

I keep seeing trucks and vans coming in and out of the factory I work in. Where is the demand destruction? 😏

@Tfmonkey @blitzdriver I call em frauds because as I noticed they are as they stay on censorship platforms and REEEEEEE about censorship

@blitzdriver Spread the word my dude. The problem is most red-pilled guys are still on discord and Twitter because they dont' say the gamer words.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.