@crimsonrealist To the wall.
@PatriarchsHittingMarks I heard you paint houses
@PatriarchsHittingMarks With a name like Marx I heard that you know about mass starvation and a failed governance system. Ain't that right "comrade" lol.
How's the gulag treating you?
@PatriarchsHittingMarks Oh right, lol. Apologies for the confusion. Just couldn't tolerate any person with Communist/Marxist connotations due to previous run-ins with them IRL. They're everywhere...
@crimsonrealist My "to the wall" comment was for the waHmUn in the clip you shared. Understandable mix up.
@PatriarchsHittingMarks No worries, fe-fails are cringe inducing these days. Can't catch a break from them.
@crimsonrealist fe-fails...very nice hahaha
@crimsonrealist Ah, I see your gripe. Absolutely fair. My alias is Patriarchs Hittin' Marks. The condensed "Tag name" is Pat H. Marx...(I guess for subversive purposes) Communists are INDEED, not people.