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Phuck lukewarm, spineless eunuchs. Muscular Christianity for the win.

"...Turn the other cheek..." is SPECIFICALLY in reference to revenge. . .NOT SELF PRESERVATION/DEFENSE.

@PatriarchsHittingMarks They still think Jews were God's chosen people and accept the Torah. They preach a lot of the same slave morality and are waiting for the antichrist and God to come. They seemingly appear to be for patriarchy and have a lot of influence in countries like Russia, but haven't advanced patriarchy in any way and allow things like divorce. I suspect the Russian Church has close ties to Rabbis. Historically, they also got along better with them than other Christian groups.

More historical accounts the white nationalist controlled opposition movement "Christ is King" won't talk about.

From priest to SS officer, Albert Hartl:

"Close personnel entanglements exist in all countries between Church and Jewry. Important Jesuits and leading personalities of the church were in the most diverse times pure-blood Jews, and even today priests and pastors who are pure-blood Jews are active on both the Catholic and the Evangelic side."

Source: ia801905.us.archive.org/16/ite

it feels good to be chill, Cozy, and Relaxed. :)

Brazil also kicked the jews out more than a few times.

We wuz parasites

From xwitter: "Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) suggests exempting blacks from taxes.

She then says maybe it's not the best idea because many blacks don't pay any taxes anyway… so maybe give free checks."

Some Jews spit on the ground while walking backwards if they are near a Church or cross as a sign of disrespect

Jews also touch the Old Testament with their mouth or lips or kiss it in a ritual in the synahogue

The mouth is a source of spit

I would suggest that it is not a sign of respect but disrespect

They hate the old testament because it exposes their spiritual ancestors crimes

But they have to pretend they like it to get zionist money

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