@dander is it really pedophilia when the child is no longer prepubescent and/or the child wanted it?

@37712 @dander no, if one is fully sexually developed, then def not.

but, the law requires some sort of metric beyond "are they fully sexually developed".

at what age is a person fully sexually developed? yes, girls develop earlier in life, but the egalitarians won't have a law like that differing between male and female, so it is written for when both ought to be fully developed.

@khaosklub @dander what about when the girl is like 15, is horny and looks like a 21 yr old and goes to bars and has sex with adults.

@37712 @dander
if one is attracted to a girl who looks 21, because she looks 21, then it's not pedo, but may be illegal depending on her age.

if one is attracted to a 21 year old that looks 15, then that might be a different story. hard to say what "looks 15" means.

@khaosklub @dander what about when the girl is like 15, is horny and she does look her age but finds a way to push herself to an adults and get him horny enough to have sex. In other words she wanted it and she got it.

@37712 @dander

if a 15 year old boy really wants to buy cigarettes, and he does look his age, but entices an adult with enough money. he wanted it and he got it.

who is in the wrong here?

technically both the adult selling him cigerettes and the boy buying cigerettes. the law punishes the adult though, not the boy. I think the parents would be in charge of punishing the boy

@khaosklub @dander then I guess we run against the issue that the child is consodered property and not a independent person. But I feel that we are going to much on a tangent.

@37712 @dander
age matters in term of laws.

in nature all that matters is sexual maturity.

was the 15 year old sexually mature? does she look sexually mature? then it's not pedo. but it is illegal.

the 15 year old wanting it and going for it is irrelevant.

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