so ive been thinking right . say wat if one was to make a game based for example on an idea like this . say game with the background story of something like this .

imagine south african. or calaforninia right both shitholes . they are more or less the same right. vigilante would drive a nice car into kinda of bad neighborhood leaving the door slightly open . and of coz the keys inside the car.

so of coz jogger mc joggerz would come along and jog right into the car and jog right away continued


while inside the car. the car has gps tracker and he takes the car to his other joggers. of which the gamer / now has the hideout for the place and the quest beginns . to claim what is rightfully his.

since the constistution in this game version of califonia / south afric have heavily emphised and support defense and reclamation of personal property.

quest is to claim back the i kind feel like a game like this feels like it would be picking on the lower fruit. hence feels icky becase

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feels i should instead make it so that its about mostly cleansing the corupt politicians but then again they got voted in by the people even more . the justice boner that is rather satisfying when it comes to violence on the ones who wronged you.

if this sounds retarded i understand . i am retarded after all. been thinking of this idea for a very long time. a game predicated on geting revenge on people who wrong you by you seting them up in a convincing way or for example

the hardest missions would be you driving into extremely dangerous neighbor hoods and walking into the store in hopes of some unfortute "incident" that gives you justification to get joggers to incite a gang war apon the game player. "unintetionally" and plausablely . my thoughts are scarted . but its the general idea.

realised there really isnt a game out there that gives normal people in normal situtions justice boner scenarious . that are very plausible in reality.and not just another muh

save the world goyim . ahmed is blowing the world up. .png unrelated.

@VooDooMedic @zebuceta

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