
@mrhorsetwat how cheap are whores in moldova? escort web site? where is redlight district?

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@dander No. We have a way to get out, the romanian passport. All the whores just fly to europe just like ukrainian ones. is the main one that i know of which is just like facebook marketplace, and the whore place is skarasnaia which is like the pussy for truck drivers cheap. Otherwise just order and they come at your house since taxis are way cheaper.

@dander You have to ask someone in the country. They keep changing terms because prostitution is illegal.

@mrhorsetwat cant find this on google maps romania skarasnaia

@dander Im not romanian bro. Im moldovan, its a nickname for terminus of a lot of truck trips in the capital. Wouldnt recommend you to go there.

@dander @mrhorsetwat

34% inflation and 200% electricity price hike, yikes!!

to @mrhorsetwat's point about Moldovan-Romaninan whore-sharing, this could not have happened without the EU project laying the ideological foundations for "free movement for all between EU members".

Romanians consider Moldova mostly theirs by descent, so it's not surprising that Maldovan whores travel to Romania/EU.

The EU will fail just like all commie/fascist projects.

Dutch will be next to leave.

@UncleIroh @dander Dude, gas per m3 was 4mdl = $0.22 and shot up to 30mdl = $1.74 which is a 7.5x. The new government fucked the country royally and americans are now building bases to train soldiers. Im not going there until this government is gone.

@dander €50 for a suck, €200 for a better experience. Customer service is awful.

@mrhorsetwat thanks for info. where do i order the whores? any massage places ?how much , also need tooth extracted how much dentist?

@dander €50 one tooth. Also, you can order massage at home on 999, look around, I never used these services.

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