@dander Probably added some bs to his insurance.
At least in CZ there are many options to add to your insurance like some extras.
Try to choose just the basic options that you are requered to pay.
If you are not normie/NPC you will not extra just the basic you need to or else big gov fuck you in the ass.
@dander and try to go on some websites that can you decided on insurances brands and which offer you cheapest options.
@Stahesh cz ? check republic? , how much is it qouting u?
@dander Yes Czech Republic. I will check website that let you choose the cheapest and see how it looks like
@dander so cheapest would be 1572CZK would be 51,99GBP
But it can be cheaper or little more expensive dempend on your bonuses if you had insurances or how old you are and how long you have driver license.
I used anonymous and used fake info and to be for person around 27
@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @dander Probably something similar to my car when the dealer typed in to PC with basic and extra BS it was at least 10k CZK
Later when it was only basic that I were need to have by law it came down to just 2.5k CZK
I would ask if it just basic or they put extra to make more money.
@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh fml , how low is it now for you?
@dander @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu I doubt that after long time of inflation that the price will be low.
When my car insurance and health insuramce keep increasing every year.